OK, so we had this retaining wall in the back of the house, and we get the brilliant idea to replace it with concrete block. Fair enough but then we go a step further and decide to add curves and stairs. So, here it is step by step.
Step 1. Remove the old railroad ties. Also Dig…a lot. Also start popping Ibuprofen like Altoids.
Step 2. Temporary bracing of earth so it does not cave in on my hard work.
Step 3. Pour a foundation (no photos of that work)
Step 4. Start laying block…and take more Ibuprofen.
Now that you have the easy part done, its time to start skinning it with decorative stone. A trip to the local stone supplier and picking some of everythgin from their “job leftovers” can be a great way to save money.
Step 6. Start sticking veneer stone to wall.
Now that wasn’t such a chore, was it. Where was that Ibuprofen?
Still have to pour the stair treads and cap stones. That work is in progress.